Affair Recovery Counseling

  • Have you recently discovered that your partner has been keeping secrets or lying?

  • Have you been lying or hiding another relationship from your partner?

  • Are you having an emotional and/or sexual affair, but want to stop?

  • Have you discovered that trust is missing in your relationship?

  • Are you unsure how to rebuild trust after you learned that your partner had an affair?

Has your relationship been impacted by the devastating hurt and pain of infidelity?

Man sitting on bench with head in his hands covering his face

If you are overwhelmed and heartbroken, we can help.

If you answered yes to any of these questions, we can support you and your partner to navigate this incredibly challenging time. Learning of an infidelity can be one of the most earth-shattering and heartbreaking experiences in a person’s life. All of a sudden the person you thought you could count on forever may suddenly seem like a stranger, and your world may feel turned upside down.

Deciding whether to heal from and pick up the pieces of your relationship together can be incredibly difficult and confusing - both for the person who was unfaithful and for the person who was betrayed. To make things even more difficult, oftentimes our well-meaning friends and family may weigh-in with their opinions, which can further add to the complexity of an already difficult situation.

Get in Touch Today

Evidence-based Support

Our team of therapists has years of experience working with infidelity. With infidelity counseling we have helped many couples pick up the pieces and create a relationship that is stronger than ever. Through the use of Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT), which is evidence-based and highly effective, we help couples not only heal their relationship but create a relationship that is stronger than ever.

We also help couples navigate through their discernment process after an affair. If through that process the couple decides to separate, we help them find honest and meaningful ways to part and end their relationship.

Recovering from Infidelity

Sad man covering his eyes being comforted by woman

Through the EFT lens, affairs are viewed as a violation of the attachment relationship. Using the EFT and attachment theory framework, we work with couples to look at what has happened, focus on the emotional drivers, heal the pain and shame, and recognize that this relationship injury is so impactful because their attachment bond and relationship matters.

Woman being embraced by man holding her

We help couples recovering from infidelity to:

Create a safe space for the injured and betrayed partner to share their pain without inflicting additional damage to the relationship.

Support the unfaithful partner to find strategies to heal the hurt they caused to their partner and to their relationship.

Support the couple to identify and express the meanings of the infidelity for each partner.

Help couples to explore their underlying relationship vulnerabilities and/or issues.

Support couples to identify and build the type of relationship they want to create moving forward.

Develop and practice short and long-term strategies to rebuild trust and secure bond.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • You might be thinking that repair and healing sound good in theory, but can it really happen? For many people, it is hard to imagine how to rebuild trust after infidelity. We have seen both firsthand with our clients and through evidence-based research that it is really possible to heal after an affair. It takes time, patience, understanding, and the support of a trained professional, but it is definitely possible. In fact, oftentimes couples that we work with will not only heal from the infidelity, but will rebuild into a new version of their relationship that they both truly desire. Together, couples can move from hurt and betrayal to growth and new perspective.

  • The short answer is, it depends. It can depend on what you and your partner have established as boundaries in your relationship and the expectations each person brings to the table. While most monogamous couples agree that having a sexual relationship with another person outside of the relationship constitutes infidelity, there is growing understanding that it is possible to have an emotional affair even without sexual contact. Polyamorous and open relationships may also experience issues with infidelity, depending on the established boundaries and communication in the relationship.

  • It is normal for either or both partners to question the long-term commitment of their relationship after dealing with infidelity. Infidelity can threaten both the relational and emotional security and one’s sense of self. Through couples therapy, we will work together to discern your next steps. If you decide to separate, we will help you find honest and caring ways to end the relationship.

See if our services are right for you.

A member of our team will contact you for a no-pressure complimentary consultation.

A Proven Track Record

Colorado Therapy Collective therapists receive ongoing training in evidence-based methods of supporting relationships. As a team, we are committed to ongoing learning, growth, and professional development, and we bring this knowledge and skill back to our clients. For over ten years, we have been supporting clients in developing their relational skills and creating the relationships they imagine and desire. Nancy Brittain, our Founder and Clinical Director, is one of fewer than 25 therapists in Colorado with the designation of Certified Supervisor in Emotionally Focused Therapy, which has the APA’s highest rating for an evidence-based practice. Nancy’s skillful leadership and focus on excellence extends to our whole team.

Infidelity Counseling in Denver

We would be honored to work with you and your partner as you navigate the aftermath of infidelity. Together we can rebuild your trust and confidence in yourself and your relationship. Reach out today for a free Zoom consultation with our intake team or one of our skilled and caring therapists.

Affair Recovery Counseling Denver, Colorado

2406 W 32nd Ave. Suite D Denver, CO 80211